A group of friends celebrating the hike to a mountain

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Things to do in Oaxaca

1. Explore Monte Albán

Visit the ancient ruins of Monte Albán, a UNESCO World Heritage site, and learn about the rich Zapotec civilization that once thrived in the region. Marvel at the impressive pyramids, intricate carvings, and stunning panoramic views of the surrounding valley.

2. Wander through the Historic Center

Take a leisurely stroll through the charming Historic Center of Oaxaca, known for its colorful colonial architecture and vibrant atmosphere. Explore the main square, Zocalo, visit the impressive Cathedral, and discover the numerous shops and galleries offering traditional crafts and artwork.

3. Visit the Ethnobotanical Garden

Immerse yourself in the diverse plant life of the region at the Ethnobotanical Garden of Oaxaca. Learn about the traditional uses of various plants by indigenous cultures and admire the beautiful botanical displays. Don't miss the impressive collection of cacti and succulents.

4. Taste the Local Cuisine

Indulge in the rich flavors of Oaxacan cuisine, known for its delicious moles, tlayudas (large crispy tortillas), and mezcal, a traditional alcoholic beverage made from agave. Visit local markets like Mercado Benito Juarez or Mercado 20 de Noviembre to sample regional delicacies.

5. Explore Hierve el Agua

Venture to Hierve el Agua, a natural wonder located about 70 km from Oaxaca. Marvel at the stunning petrified waterfall formations and take a refreshing dip in the mineral-rich pools. Enjoy the breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.

6. Learn about Traditional Crafts

Discover the rich artisanal traditions of Oaxaca by visiting workshops and markets dedicated to traditional crafts. Watch skilled artisans create intricate textiles, pottery, and carved wooden figures. Don't forget to browse the renowned rug market in Teotitlán del Valle.

7. Take a Cooking Class

Immerse yourself in the culinary heritage of Oaxaca by taking a cooking class. Learn to prepare traditional dishes like mole and tlayudas under the guidance of a local chef. Get hands-on experience with ingredients like chocolate, chiles, and various spices.

8. Visit the Santo Domingo Church

Admire the exquisite Baroque architecture of the Santo Domingo Church, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Explore the elaborate interior adorned with gold leaf and intricate carvings. Don't miss the museum showcasing Oaxacan art and artifacts.

9. Attend a Cultural Festival

Experience the vibrant cultural scene of Oaxaca by attending one of the many festivals that take place throughout the year. From the Guelaguetza, showcasing traditional dances and music, to the Day of the Dead celebrations, immerse yourself in the rich cultural traditions of the region.

10. Hike in the Sierra Norte

Embark on a hiking adventure in the Sierra Norte mountains surrounding Oaxaca. Explore the diverse landscapes, encounter indigenous communities, and enjoy breathtaking views. Choose from a variety of hiking trails suitable for all levels of experience.

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