A group of friends celebrating the hike to a mountain

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Things to do in Sabanalarga

1. Iglesia de San José

Visit the Iglesia de San José, a beautiful church located in the heart of Sabanalarga. Admire its architectural beauty and learn about its rich history.

2. Parque Principal

Take a stroll in the Parque Principal, the main park of Sabanalarga. Enjoy the peaceful atmosphere, relax on a bench, and observe the locals going about their daily lives.

3. Cascada de Marinka

Visit the Cascada de Marinka, a stunning waterfall located just outside of Sabanalarga. Take a refreshing dip in the clear waters or simply admire the natural beauty of the surroundings.

4. Casa Museo del Caribe

Explore the Casa Museo del Caribe, a museum that showcases the culture and history of the Caribbean region. Learn about the traditions, art, and music of the area.

5. La Cueva del Bigotes

Discover La Cueva del Bigotes, a fascinating cave located near Sabanalarga. Explore its labyrinthine passages, admire the stalactites and stalagmites, and learn about the cave's geological significance.

6. Bosque de los Monos

Visit the Bosque de los Monos, a monkey sanctuary near Sabanalarga. Get up close and personal with various species of monkeys, learn about their conservation, and enjoy the beautiful natural surroundings.

7. Mercado de Sabanalarga

Explore the Mercado de Sabanalarga, a bustling market where you can find a variety of local products, from fresh fruits and vegetables to handicrafts and souvenirs. Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of the market.

8. Río Magdalena

Take a boat ride along the Río Magdalena, one of Colombia's most important rivers. Enjoy the scenic views, observe the diverse wildlife, and learn about the river's significance in the region's history and economy.

9. Hacienda El Paraíso

Visit Hacienda El Paraíso, an historic estate that inspired Gabriel García Márquez's novel 'One Hundred Years of Solitude'. Explore the beautifully preserved grounds, learn about the region's coffee production, and immerse yourself in the magical atmosphere of the novel.

10. Festival Nacional del Corozo

If you visit during the Festival Nacional del Corozo, be sure to attend this lively event celebrating the corozo fruit, a local symbol of Sabanalarga. Enjoy music, dancing, traditional food, and cultural performances.

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