A group of friends celebrating the hike to a mountain

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Things to do in Chichicastenango

1. Explore the Chichicastenango Market

Immerse yourself in the vibrant colors and bustling atmosphere of the famous Chichicastenango Market. Wander through the maze of stalls selling traditional textiles, handicrafts, fresh produce, and local artwork. Don't forget to haggle for the best prices!

2. Visit Santo Tomás Church

Marvel at the beautiful Santo Tomás Church, a prominent landmark in Chichicastenango. Admire the elaborate facade and step inside to see the ornate decorations and religious relics. You might even catch a traditional Mayan ceremony taking place.

3. Take a hike to Pascual Abaj

Embark on a hike to Pascual Abaj, a sacred Mayan site located on a hilltop overlooking Chichicastenango. Enjoy stunning views of the surrounding countryside and learn about the rich indigenous culture and ancient rituals associated with the site.

4. Explore the Museum of Masks

Discover the fascinating world of traditional Mayan masks at the Museum of Masks. Learn about their cultural significance, different designs, and the intricate craftsmanship involved in creating these unique pieces of art.

5. Enjoy a traditional Mayan meal

Indulge in a delicious traditional Mayan meal at one of the local restaurants in Chichicastenango. Sample dishes like pepián (a spicy meat stew), tamales, or try the famous Kaq'ik (a traditional turkey soup with spices).

6. Witness a Mayan Shaman ritual

Experience a traditional Mayan Shaman ritual and gain an insight into the ancient spiritual practices of the indigenous people. Witness ceremonies that involve chanting, burning of incense, and offerings to the Mayan deities.

7. Go on a village tour

Take a guided tour to the nearby indigenous villages surrounding Chichicastenango. Learn about the different communities, their traditional way of life, and get a glimpse into their art, craft, and agricultural practices.

8. Take a scenic boat ride on Lake Atitlán

Escape to the serene shores of Lake Atitlán, just a short distance from Chichicastenango. Enjoy a scenic boat ride, soak in the breathtaking views of the surrounding volcanoes, and visit the charming lakeside villages.

9. Visit the Church of San Andrés Xecul

Make a side trip to the nearby town of San Andrés Xecul and visit the picturesque Church of San Andrés Xecul. Admire the vibrant yellow facade adorned with intricate relief sculptures and vibrant frescoes inside.

10. Learn traditional weaving techniques

Participate in a traditional weaving workshop and learn the ancient techniques of backstrap weaving. Create your own unique textile under the guidance of local Mayan weavers and gain an appreciation for their intricate craft.

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