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Things to do in Valparaíso

1. Explore Cerro Alegre

Take a walk through the colorful streets of Cerro Alegre, one of the most famous and picturesque neighborhoods in Valparaíso. Admire the beautiful street art, visit art galleries and boutique shops, and enjoy stunning views of the city and the bay.

2. Ride a funicular

Experience one of Valparaíso's iconic features by riding a funicular. These historic elevators take you up and down the steep hills of the city, offering panoramic views along the way. Don't miss taking a ride on the Ascensor Artillería for breathtaking vistas.

3. Visit La Sebastiana

Discover the former residence of Chilean poet Pablo Neruda at La Sebastiana. This quirky museum provides insight into Neruda's life and work, as well as stunning views over the city. Explore the eclectic rooms filled with artwork, collectibles, and the poet's personal belongings.

4. Take a boat tour of the bay

Embark on a boat tour to explore Valparaíso's picturesque bay. Enjoy the views of the colorful hills, bustling port, and the Pacific Ocean. Learn about the city's history and see iconic landmarks like the Monumento a los Héroes de Iquique and the Naval Academy.

5. Visit the Pablo Neruda Museum

Immerse yourself in the world of Chile's beloved poet by visiting the Pablo Neruda Museum. Located in the house where Neruda lived during his childhood, this museum showcases his personal belongings, manuscripts, and a multimedia exhibit about his life and works.

6. Wander through the Mercado Cardonal

Experience the vibrant atmosphere of Valparaíso's Mercado Cardonal. This bustling market offers a wide array of fresh seafood, fruits, vegetables, and local products. Sample some delicious empanadas or seafood dishes, and soak in the lively ambiance.

7. Explore the Naval and Maritime Museum

Learn about Valparaíso's rich maritime history at the Naval and Maritime Museum. Discover exhibits that showcase the city's naval heritage, including ship models, historical artifacts, and interactive displays. Don't miss the chance to step aboard the museum's ship simulator.

8. Visit the Palacio Baburizza

Step back in time by visiting the Palacio Baburizza, a beautiful mansion turned museum. Admire the elegant architecture and explore the art collections, which feature both national and international artists. Enjoy panoramic views of the city from the palace's terrace.

9. Enjoy a street art tour

Valparaíso is known for its vibrant street art scene. Join a guided tour to discover the city's impressive murals and graffiti. Learn about the artists, their inspiration, and the stories behind the artworks that adorn the city's walls.

10. Relax at Playa Acapulco

Escape the city buzz and unwind at Playa Acapulco, one of Valparaíso's nearby beaches. Soak up the sun, go for a swim in the refreshing waters, or simply enjoy a leisurely stroll along the shoreline. Don't forget to try some local seafood delicacies at the beachside restaurants.

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